Electric Vehicles Charging Software Layer
About the Project:
Passenger car drivers are accustomed to refueling at any gas station. EV charging is a very different process which is yet to achieve such universality. Charging stations, vehicles, and users are not always compatible, and that is the issue we aim to resolve. A software layer positioned between these entities ensures compatibility and flexibility for every EV, regardless of the driver, vehicle manufacturer, or charging station provider.
About the Client:
DCS is a top-tier vehicle and gas manufacturer-owned company, with over 700,000 charging points in 31 markets. Digital Charging Solutions provides access to the largest and fastest-growing, fully integrated public charging network in Europe.
system architecture design
solution development
Kotlin, Java, Spring Boot, Quarkus, Docker, Kubernetes and Helm, Redis, Postgres, Kafka, Swagger (OpenAPI and AsyncAPI), Azure Cloud Services (Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Cache for Redis, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Service Bus, Azure Event Hub, Azure Functions, Azure API Management)